Pádraig Ó Méalóid is a writer from Dublin, and a leading member of Irish science fiction and comics fandom. He has been on the committee of the Irish Science Fiction Association and the Octocon convention, was one of the founders of the Dublin-based SciFiClub, and founded the P-Con literary science fiction convention, and the Robert Rankin fan club Sproutlore. He used to write the online newsletter Irish SciFi News. He published the fanzine Puny Earthling in 2006, and wrote "Mary Bateman's Hen", drawn by Alan Nolan, in Sancho #4 in 2008.
He is perhaps best known online for his scholarly articles around the work of Alan Moore and interviews with the author. These were published in the main at the Glycon Livejournal between September 2005 and June 2012. The following year he wrote for The Beat on the ongoing rivalry between Moore and author Grant Morrison, followed by another multi-part series, Poisoned Chalice: The Extremely Long and Incredibly Complex Story of Marvelman.