The Romantic Mayhem Pocket Book is a satirical romance anthology published by National Tragedy in 2012 - launched at Anseo, Camden Street Lower, Dublin, on 14 April. The brainchild of Gar Shanley, behind a cover by Tommie Kelly, the contents are:
- "What's Roy Thinking?" by Gar and Paddy Brown
- "This Never Heavenly Heart" by Cathal Duggan
- "Perfect Nadine" by Ian Pettitt
- "All the Way" by John Robbins
- "For the Love of God!" by Gar and Davy Francis
- "Postcards from Paris" and "Steve and the Redheads" by Hilary Lawler
- "The Hawker's Wife" by Luke F
- "Quick Change Cammi" by Alan Nolan
- "Hand in Marriage", prose short story by John Robbins, illustrated by Philip Barrett
- "The Thief" and "Protolove" by Elida Maiques
- "Star Crossed Love" by Gar and Deirdre de Barra
- "Unhappy in Love" by Ronan Kennedy
- "Why Don't You Call" by Gar and Archie Templar
- Spoof ads by Papa Hotel and Hilary Lawler
- Back cover by Deirdre de Barra
A deluxe version, designed by Archie Templar, is available in hardback and softcover, from