Tales from the Emerald Isle is a fan comic published by Hibernia Comics in 2010, featuring Irish characters from 2000AD. It is edited by David McDonald, designed by David Withers and Michael Carroll, with cover art is by Alan Nolan.
- "Judge Joyce: Muties on the Bounty" by Matthew McLaughlin and Bryan Coyle
- "Strontium Dog: Spud Murphy" by Johnny McMonagle
- "Sinister Dexter: All Malone Again" by Dirk Van Dom and David Blankley
- "Harlem Heroes: When the Heroes Came to Town" by Richmond Clements and Johnny McMonagle
- "Maeve The Many-Armed: Grazing the Dead" by Shaun Avery and James Newell
- "Slough Feg: Coming of Phage" by David Withers
- "Slaine: He Didn't Think It Too Many" by Alan Nolan