Troubled Souls is a series set in Northern Ireland amid the "Troubles", written by Garth Ennis and illustrated in painted colour by John McCrea. It was serialised in Fleetway's political comic Crisis in 1989, and was published as a collected edition in 1990. Its protagonist is Tom Boyd, a young unemployed protestant man coerced into planting a bomb by IRA volunteer Damien McWilliams, which gets both into trouble with their consciences and with McWilliams' superiors in the IRA.
It was Ennis' first published work. He later described it as a cynical attempt to get published, as it was "the kind of thing that was doing well at the time... And that was the road that seemed most likely to lead me to success",[1] and its earnest tone is rather out-of-keeping with Ennis's work as a whole. A follow-up, For a Few Troubles More, a broad comedy featuring two of the series' supporting characters, Dougie and Ivor, ran in Crisis in 1990, and much later was spun off into a series called Dicks, published by Caliber and Avatar in the USA.
- ↑ Preacher to the converted, The Irish Times, 27 August 2011